Shamanic drumming initiation in Xibalba with Istvan Sky and Ester Tara

Saturday, the 6th February at 6:30 pm.

La magia dEl canto es que cuando estas inspirado alcanzas un estado de consciencia superiot donde El pasado se desvanece y El futuro no existe, vives tu esencia, tu presencia magica luminosa. Normalmente olvidamos este estado dEl ser en nuestro dia a dia pero podemos recuperarlo, podemos despertar nuestra voz interiOr, El ritmo original de nuestros corazones, nuestra naturaleza divina de AmOr, compasion y sabiduria. nuestros corazones resuenan en armonia con los tambores sagrados, palpitan al unisono!!!

The magic of singing is that when you sing, you are in a special consciousness. You are not in the past or the future, but you are making magic in the present. We forgot this state of being in our daily lives, but we can reintegrate it and wake up our inner voice and inner rhythm of our heart that knows compassion, love and wisdom, by singing and drumming together. Our hearts and drums beat together and create harmony.

Donation: 250 pesos

Please, if you have bring your drums.

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